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September 22, 2023
US Sentencing Commission releases latest detailed "Compassionate Release Data Report" (with first data since proposed guideline amendment)
I just noticed that the US Sentencing Commission yesterday published this updated compassionate release data report, and this latest one provides data on sentence reduction motions through June 30, 2023. As I have noted with a prior data report, there are lots and lots of notable data points about how and where these motions are brought and resolved throughout this data report. Interestingly, though some cumulative data is provided at the start of this data report, the vast majority of the report just provides particulars for grants and denials of compassion release for the period from October 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023 (which comprises the first three quarters of Fiscal Year 2023 for the USSC).
Critically, near the middle of Fiscal Year 2023, the US Sentencing Commission officially voted to amend the so-called compassionate release guideline, formally "§ 1B1.13 - Reduction in Term of Imprisonment under 18 U.S.C § 3582(c)(1)(A) (policy statement)." I blogged here and here about the Commission's promulgation of its amendment of § 1B1.13 in early April 2023. The amendment was formally submitted to Congress in late April 2023, but does not become law until November 1, 2023. Nevertheless, this data run suggests there was a small spike in the filing and granting of sentence reduction motions in May and June 2023. This may just be a bit of statistical noise, though I am inclined to guess that the Commission's official vote on its new guideline may have contributed somewhat to the small uptick in the number of sentence reduction motions filed and granted.
September 22, 2023 at 01:50 PM | Permalink