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December 17, 2023
Rounding up some notable recent reads
A very busy weekend (and week ahead) leads me to think a round-up post make be in order to cover lots of ground and recommend lots of recent pieces that are worth checking out:
From The Atlantic (by my old friend Mark Osler), "The Forgotten Tradition of Clemency: Minnesota reformed its system for granting mercy to those in prison. The federal government should take note"
From Bolts, "Inside the Urgent Campaign to Commute North Carolina’s Entire Death Row"
From Crime and Justice News, "How Conservative Governor Cut Prisoner Totals, Boosted Rehab"
From The Hill, "Why embracing criminal justice reform is a ‘First Step’ toward victory in 2024"
From MSNBC, "The ‘modern-day slavery’ in Alabama’s prisons exists in other states' prisons, too"
From the New York Times, "Prisoners Sue Alabama, Calling Prison Labor System a ‘Form of Slavery’: The plaintiffs, who are all Black, contend that the state regularly denies incarcerated people parole so that they can be “leased” out to make money for government agencies and businesses"
From The New Yorker, "Sentenced to Life for an Accident Miles: Away A draconian legal doctrine called felony murder has put thousands of Americans — disproportionately young and Black — in prison"
From NPR, "Ohio prosecutors broke rules to win convictions and got away with it"
Also from NPR, "Lawmakers push for federal prison oversight after reports of inadequate medical care"
December 17, 2023 at 11:09 PM | Permalink