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January 8, 2024
A range of notable death penalty stories from a range of states to kick off 2024
A number of capital headlines/stories from a number of states caught my eye this morning. Here's a quick round-up of some pieces from the start of the year:
From Alabama, "Alabama convicted killer waits to be executed this month by nitrogen gas"
From California, "Where Los Angeles County district attorney candidates stand on the death penalty"
From Florida, "Overwhelming Percentage of Florida’s Hurst Resentencing Hearings End in Life Sentences"
From Indiana, "The death penalty: Inside Indiana’s complicated history with capital punishment"
From Mississippi, "State still wants execution dates set for 2 men on Mississippi's death row"
From Missouri, "Missouri bill seeks to make rape, child sex trafficking punishable by death"
From Nebraska, "Nebraska Senator introduces bill to make nitrogen asphyxiation a legal method of execution"
From Utah, "Utah Judge Clears the Way for Use of the Firing Squad"
From West Virginia, "Senate President will push reinstatement of death penalty in WV"
From Wyoming, "The Last Time Wyoming Used the Death Penalty was in 1992"
January 8, 2024 at 11:20 AM | Permalink