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January 24, 2024

Rounding up an array of mid-week reads

A busy week and upcoming travel means I have lacked time to blog about a number of recent press pieces and commentary catching my eye.  So, as is my wont, I will try to cover a lot make up for limited time with a mid-week round-up post.  As always, I welcome comments on which of these stories might merit additional attention:

From Bloomberg Law, "Esformes Retrial Confronts Questions About Power of Commutation"

From Cal Matters, "As California closes prisons, the cost of locking someone up hits new record at $132,860"

From Filter Magazine, "Call It 'Overcrowding,' Not 'Understaffing,' and Fix It With Parole"

From GBH, "Five years after landmark criminal justice reform, prison racial disparities widen in Mass."

From The Nation, "Jails Are Closing Across America. Why?"

From Politico Magazine, "An ‘Execute-Them-At-Any-Cost Mentality’: The Supreme Court’s New, Bloodthirsty Era"

From the Sandusky Register, "Ohio unlikely to execute more prisoners anytime soon"

From Slate, "The Surprising Downside of a Criminal Justice Trend Reformers Might Think They Love"

From Variety, "Sundance: High-Profile Filmmakers Take Aim at U.S. Criminal ‘Justice’ System"

From the Wall Street Journal, "The Death Penalty Makes a Comeback"

January 24, 2024 at 12:37 PM | Permalink


Thank you for posting these articles: I've read several of them and included my thoughts below:

1. Cal Matters: To quote the article, "the math ain't mathing." Newsom did well to close three prisons, but it's regressive to increase the corrections budget. California needs to close more prisons and release more inmates while downsizing the corrections officers. The purpose of ending mass incarceration is to save money, not waste more.

2. GBH: Good on Massachusetts for 2018 criminal justice reform bill. However, a reduction of policing and a restructuring of sentencing are two ways to eliminate racial disparities.

3. The Nation: It's good that jails are closing, however, counties will send detainees to other jails. I prefer cashless bail and for small jail populations. Crime doesn't increase if more folks bond out of jail.

Posted by: Anon | Jan 24, 2024 11:12:03 PM

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