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May 2, 2024

"Gender Matters: Women on Death Row in the United States"

The title of this post is the title of this new article now available via SSRN and authored by Sandra Babcock, Nathalie Greenfield and Kathryn Adamson.  Here is its abstract:

This article presents a comprehensive study of 48 persons sentenced to death between 1990 and 2023 who presented as women at the time of their trials.  Our research is the first of its kind to conduct a holistic and intersectional analysis of the factors driving women’s death sentences.  It reveals commonalities across women’s cases, delving into their experiences of motherhood, gender-based violence and prior involvement with the criminal legal system.  We also explore the nature of the women’s crimes of conviction, including the role of male co-defendants and the State’s use of aggravating factors.  Finally, we reveal for the first time the extent to which capital prosecutions are dominated by men — including judges, elected District Attorneys, defense attorneys, and juror forepersons — and explain why gender matters in determining who lives and who dies.

We present our data against the backdrop of prevalent theories that seek to explain both the rarity of women’s executions and the reasons why certain women are singled out for the harshest punishment provided by law.  We explain why those frameworks are inadequate to understand the role that systemic gender bias plays in women’s capital prosecutions.  We conclude by arguing for more nuanced research that embraces the complexities in women’s capital cases and accounts for the presence of systemic and intersectional discrimination.

May 2, 2024 at 08:14 PM | Permalink


You have to love it when a “researcher” announces that her data is erroneous in the first sentence of the abstract.

Posted by: TarlsQtr | May 2, 2024 10:20:24 PM

Yeah, TQ, I thought more than 48 death sentences were handed down in 33 years but whatever the number is it's too low. No wonder the DP abolitionists are crowing. They have nearly won.

Its obvious why the public is screaming for the overturn of our country's pro-criminal ideological agenda. When Trump is back in office he will do what the people demand. He'll commandeer Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis for a nationwide housecleaning, and make the Chilean National Stadium in 1973 look like a churhc bake sale!

Get on the Right side of History! MAGA

Posted by: MAGA 2024 | May 6, 2024 11:52:56 AM

MAGA 2024 --

"Yeah, TQ, I thought more than 48 death sentences were handed down in 33 years but whatever the number is it's too low. No wonder the DP abolitionists are crowing."

Some of them are crowing, true, just as they crow when any killer escapes accountability. Were you on the OJ Dream Team by any chance? Still, most abolitionists are moaning and griping as usual, because moping and griping is what they do.


Posted by: Bill Otis | May 7, 2024 11:12:08 AM

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