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July 13, 2024
A distinct project for 2025 focused on criminal justice reform
This past week I saw a notable policy document from the Justice Action Network, titled "Federal Criminal Justice Reform: Options For Policymakers 2025-2029." This 28-page document aspires to serve "as a guide for actionable policies, with bipartisan support, that will make the criminal justice system more safe, accountable, and fair for incarcerated people, the professionals who work in the criminal justice system every day, and the public." Here are a few portions of the report's executive summary that focus on sentencing and corrections and reentry topics:
Evidence-based sentencing reform: the EQUAL Act, the Smarter Sentencing Act, the First Step Implementation Act, bringing back federal parole, reforming the executive clemency process, and strengthening the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act will ensure expensive prison space is prioritized for violent offenses.
Increasing prison oversight and effectiveness: the Federal Prison Oversight Act and ending or significantly limiting solitary confinement will ensure that prisons are safe for incarcerated people and staff, protecting rights and safety.
Reducing barriers to reentry: the Due Process Continuity of Care Act, the Reentry Act, the Improving Mental Health in Re-Entry System Act, and the Safer Supervision Act will ensure that people are ready to return to their communities when they leave jail or prison.
Reducing collateral consequences of incarceration: the Clean Slate Act, the Fresh Start Act, the Begin Again Act, the Driving for Opportunity Act, restoring SNAP and TANF to formerly incarcerated people, ending the ban on drivers’ license suspension for drug offenses will ensure that people who have successfully reintegrated truly get a second chance.
July 13, 2024 at 09:30 PM | Permalink