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August 31, 2024
"'Everything is technology': examining technology access and use among returning citizens"
The title of this post is the title of this new paper available via SSRN authored by Kaelyn Sanders. Here is its abstract:
Digital exclusion is a barrier for people on parole, herein referred to as returning citizens. Yet, much remains unknown about the specific issues they encounter. As the world continues to advance technologically, it is important that we understand returning citizens’ access to and use of technology and how it impacts their ability to reintegrate into society. Framed in the Digital Rehabilitation Model, the current study uses qualitative data from 28 returning citizens to explore their digital exclusion across time since release from prison. Findings show that returning citizens released less than a month to 24 months ago more often described technology-related challenges.
August 31, 2024 at 03:22 PM | Permalink