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August 29, 2024
Florida completes execution of man 30 years after murder and rape of siblings
As reported in this AP article, a "A Florida man convicted of killing a college freshman and raping the murder victim’s older sister while the siblings camped in a national forest 30 years ago was executed Thursday." Here is more:
Loran Cole, 57, received a lethal injection and was pronounced dead at 6:15 p.m. at Florida State Prison for the 1994 killing of the 18-year-old student. Cole also was serving two life sentences for rape.
Cole and a friend, William Paul, befriended the two college students in the Ocala National Forest, court records showed. After talking around a fire, the men offered to take the siblings to see a pond. While away from the campsite, Cole and Paul jumped the victims and robbed them, according to the records.
The brother, 18, who was a student at Florida State University, was beaten and had his throat slit and left in the forest. His sister, then a 21-year-old senior at Eckerd College, was taken back to the campsite, where Cole tied her up and raped her, according to the record. The woman was left tied to a tree overnight and raped again the next day. She eventually managed to free herself and flagged down a driver for help. Police found her brother’s body lying face down on the ground, according to court records.
Paul and Cole were both convicted of first-degree murder. Paul was sentenced to life in prison....
The U.S. Supreme Court denied Cole’s final appeal earlier Thursday. His lawyers had raised several points in seeking a stay of execution, including the fact that Cole was an inmate at a state-run reform school where he and other boys were beaten and raped. The state has since apologized for the abuse and this year passed a law authorizing reparations for inmates at the now-shuttered reform school. The lawyers also argued Cole shouldn’t be executed because he was mentally ill and had brain damage and Parkinson’s disease.
August 29, 2024 at 06:37 PM | Permalink
Florida passed a law providing for reparations to the boys, like Cole, who were abused at the state run school he attended.
Posted by: John | Aug 29, 2024 7:13:01 PM
Yet it wasn’t the others at the state boarding school who raped the girl and killed the brother.
Posted by: TarlsQtr | Aug 29, 2024 9:49:55 PM
John, while I think it fair to point out that people were abused, that does not excuse what was done, nor is it mitigating. This was an awful crime, and the guy got what he deserved. It is interesting that you choose to offer up a half-assed defense of the killer (or a swipe at Florida), but utterly fail to remark at how much suffering these guys inflicted.
Why is it always that way?
Posted by: Yet-Yet | Aug 30, 2024 10:59:34 AM