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August 27, 2024

"Public Defense Attorneys' Perception of Race and Bias: National Survey Findings"

The title of this post is the title of this recent publication from the Center for Justice Innovations (CJI) authored by Sruthi Naraharisetti. Here is how the CJI website describes the work:

Public defense attorneys play a pivotal role in addressing the racial inequities that many clients face in the criminal legal system while also experiencing the impact of those racial inequities themselves.  This exploratory study aims to illuminate how attorneys consider race in their work, conceptualize their role in addressing racial inequity, and experience the impact of their racial or ethnic identities in the workplace.

Our survey of 690 public defense attorneys reveals that race significantly influences public defense practice and culture.  Attorneys recognize racial inequities in the legal system and adapt their strategies accordingly, with notable differences between attorneys who are white and attorneys who are Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC). White attorneys often find that race hinders their relationships with BIPOC clients, while BlPOC attorneys are more likely to report adjusting case strategies for BIPOC clients. Inequities within the profession — such as a lack of diversity among attorneys and leadership, limited opportunities for dialogue, and workplace racism — are particularly felt by BIPOC attorneys.  We hope this report will inspire reflection and discussion among public defense agencies about racial bias in the field and help pave the way to identifying and evaluating actionable solutions.

August 27, 2024 at 08:14 PM | Permalink


Remember when the job of a defense lawyer was to provide zealous representation, regardless of the race of the lawyer or defendant? Defendants want to win, not feel seen as they get sent off the prison for the rest of their lives.

Posted by: shg | Aug 28, 2024 9:08:53 AM

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