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September 30, 2024

Is former Prez Trump going to release a new short list of possible Supreme Court nominees?

I have noted before that I thought then-candidate Donald Trump's decision in May 2016 to release a "short list" of people he would consider as potential Supreme Court appointments was a clever and consequential campaign strategy.  Such short lists also make for great blog fodder for court watchers, which is among the reasons I am now asking the question in the title of this post.

Notably, in an mid_August interview with a CBS reporter detailed here, former Prez Trump was asked about, and he pledged we would be getting, a new SCOTUS short list:

The former president said he would release a shortlist of possible nominees for the Supreme Court in the next month.  "I'll be releasing it I'd say over the next three or four weeks," he said. 

It has now been six weeks since Trump stated a SCOTUS short list would be released in "three or four weeks," and I am now thinking we may not get a list at all.

September 30, 2024 at 12:28 AM | Permalink


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