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September 17, 2024
Not-quite mid-week round up of stories and commentaries of note
I have a whole bunch of tabs open on my desktop with whole bunch of notable pieces that have caught my eye recently. That means it is time for a round up, so here goes:
From ABC News, "Texas lawmakers show bipartisan support to try to stop a man's execution"
From the AP, "Alaska High Court Lets Man Serving a 20-Year Sentence Remain in US House Race"
From Forbes, "Bureau Of Prisons’ Issues With First Step Act Lead To Food Strike"
From Governing, "Murder and Population Decline: A Troubling Urban Linkage"
From The Marshall Project, "Could People Facing the Death Penalty Lose the Right to Tell Juries Their Life Stories?"
From the New York Times, "Nixon Started the War on Drugs. Privately, He Said Pot Was ‘Not Particularly Dangerous.’"
From NPR, "From Clinton to Trump, how talk about crime has changed since a landmark bill"
From Politico, "California Democrats try to change the subject from shoplifting to drugs"
From Prison Journalism Project, "In Prison and Out, We Have Never Voted"
From Reason Foundation, "Today’s legislative addiction to criminalization feels like déjà vu"
September 17, 2024 at 07:39 PM | Permalink
Governing: There is some truth to murder affecting population decline. However, I don't think crime is the sole factor that causes residents to leave cities. Economic opportunities are probably the main reason people leave and when jobs leave, most folks have little reason to reside in a municipality. I think crime is borne out of poverty and low economic conditions. Cities with high employment participation and high wage jobs generally have lower crime rates.
Reasoning: I'm not a libertarian, but I agree with libertarians that mass incarceration is expensive and doesn't deter crime. Legislators should focus on non-carceral alternatives that will benefit folks and keep costs down.
Posted by: Anon | Sep 17, 2024 10:15:14 PM
Not long ago, I moved to a different town in my region. There were multiple reasons. One of them was a series of murders. The rate stayed below 2 per 10k. On its own, it might not have been enough reason to leave. Combined with other issues, it was.
Posted by: William Jockusch | Sep 18, 2024 9:15:41 PM