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September 1, 2024

Rounding up some notable new capital punishment pieces

In recent posts, I have already covered notable capital punishment adminstration stories from Florida and Missouri and South Carolina.  And as news and commentary on death penalty issues keeps emerging from states and nationally, an abridged round-up of notable recent pieces catching my eye seemed in order:

From 10News, "Gov. Lee says Tennessee is working to resume executions, after sudden halt in 2022"

From the Daily Mail.com, "Trump reveals he'll bring BACK the federal death penalty and expand it to cover these sick crimes... do you agree?"

From FITSNews, "Capital Punishment: Line. Them. Up. And put them down…"

From The Journal, "The weight of the wait 30 years after Kansas death penalty law"

From the Kansas City Star, "Kris Kobach: The only problem with Kansas’ death penalty is that it takes too long"

From the New York Times, "America Does Not Need the Death Penalty"

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazzette, "Editorial: Baby Leon Katz deserves justice. Pursuing the death penalty will only delay it"

From Salon, "The end of the abolition era: Democrats quietly drop their opposition to the death penalty"

From USA Today, "Death penalty in the US: Which states still execute inmates, who has executed the most?"

September 1, 2024 at 11:09 AM | Permalink


Democrats made a mistake by removing the abolition of capital punishment from its platform. Executions and death sentences have declined and it's one of the few criminal justice issues that has bipartisan support. Democrats need to acknowledge the expense, lack of deterrent and the decline in crime to justify ending capital punishment. I suspect that Democrats wants to distance herself from identity politics and cover economic issues and that's fine. However, they state that capital cases cost taxpayers billions of dollars on a handful of cases.

Posted by: Anon | Sep 1, 2024 1:40:39 PM

Anon, you forget some important things. First, even though elites have fought tooth and nail over capital punishment, and many judges have completely abdicated their responsibilities, and that, sadly includes the USSC, capital punishment remains popular. It is important that the elites don’t win. Democracy is at stake. Billions spent to preserve democracy is a bargain.

Posted by: Yet-Yet | Sep 2, 2024 11:07:10 AM

Anon. Abolition of the death penalty is one of the few issues that has bipartisan opposition. Opinion polls on the issue (which almost certainly understate the support for having the death penalty as a punishment option because they uniformly phrase it as if it were a mandatory penalty) consistently show that a majority of Americans want the death penalty.

Removing it from the platform is good politics.

Posted by: tmm | Sep 3, 2024 12:13:29 PM

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